The Orchestra

The Orchestra

Excerpts from “Wandering in the Spirit” by Leo Downey 11/12 There was this guy in the audience. They were there for the most beautiful orchestra on Earth. It had been around forever and you could only play for life. He saw the people around him moved to tears, he was...
Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood

Excerpts from, “Wandering in the Spirit” by Leo Downey 11/12 Elan would surrender without even knowing it sometimes, like how your heart beats or you breathe. I’d watch her do it, I’d feel her do it, I’d hear do it, and I would with her. When a woman surrenders out of...
Consuming Beauty

Consuming Beauty

Excerpts from “Wandering in the Spirit” by Leo Downey 11/12As I mentioned in a previous post, I grew up with a genius in the top 99.999 percentile of world iq, 156. They think Einstein was 160. He can’t remember he’s a genius anymore and when he could he never...
Montecito Rats

Montecito Rats

Excerpts from “Wandering in the Spirit” by Leo Downey 11/12 The Montecito rats were munching and chewing and crunching, but even they wouldn’t eat their own heads. I rolled over to rest in perfect alignment with that big orb weaver in the middle of his web in the...

How She Would Cry For You

Excerpts from “Wandering in the Spirit” by Leo Downey 11/12 I feel like Adam looking for his rib. When I find it it will be in you. I want to run my fingers over it and kiss it about three and a half inches from the arch of your spine. How many times will it take...
Even Stones Would Change Their Mind

Even Stones Would Change Their Mind

Even Stones Would Change Their Mind By Leo Downey 9/12 There’s a fight for you in heaven And I’m on your side I’d be black and blue forever To kneel down beside God’s bride I can’t argue the fate of angels Or make people see the light But if they could see how I love...