“The man is ALIVE AND WANTED! Leo Downey is talented….HE ROCKS!…and he’s got a voice as big as all outdoors!”
Bill Locey – Los Angeles Times
“His music is STUNNING, TIMELESS, HEARTFELT. Most of all I was taken by his VOICE, HONEST and FULL of LIFE, with bits of reckless abandon, as if he’s singing/talking to a good friend.”
“Downey is a BRILLIANT guitarist, with a superb instrumental acoustic guitar album and an equally FASCINATING rock record. Downey is a MAJOR TALENT who bears repeated listening, no matter what, Downey is a MUST SEE!”
Los Angeles Reader
“Leo Downey is one guitarist/composer who stands apart from the rest because of the INCREDIBLE versatility of his talent!”
Edwin Lee – Santa Barbara Independent
“Downey combines innocence with a startling awareness of the world around him, to invoke wondrous spiritual images…the melodies are tempered with a fury that can embroil us in a torrent, an emotional downpour!”
Eugene Pidgeon – KCQR Santa Barbara
“When I featured Downey’s Heaven and Hell as album of the week, I received more calls than any other album I’ve ever featured…People want to know “WHO IS THAT GUY?!”
Rick Miller – KMMT Mammoth
“Downey has a brooder’s temperament, a good looking fellow with talent and a romantic streak a mile wide, his lone wolf voice bathes in deep pools of digital reverb.”
Josef Woodward – Santa Barbara Independent
“Headliner Leo Downey DID IT ALL! The audience was AWESTRUCK by his talents…his strong classical influences and a wide selection of self-written songs which brought the crowd to their feet in seconds!”
Review Herald
“It was MADNESS! Sheer and beautiful MADNESS! Downey gave an excitable gathering of industry moguls and labels bigwigs a full-service dosage of his ARENA WORTHY rock and roll!”